Liriope Monroe White
Dark, evergreen strap-shaped leaves. White flowers in autumn. Full sun. Sand, loam, clay soil. Moist...
2L pot
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Dark, evergreen strap-shaped leaves. White flowers in autumn. Full sun. Sand, loam, clay soil. Moist...
A prostrate evergreen shrub forming a wide mat, with small, hairy leaves and abundant, vivid...
A strong-growing deciduous climber with grey-green foliage, and clusters of fragrant, tubular cream flowers that...
A lovely form of this easy to grow twining climber with pale yellow tubular flowers...
A bushy deciduous shrub with simple, ovate leaves, and pairs of very fragrant, 2-lipped cream...
An evergreen climber with spectacular colour from yellow and white tubular flowers.
A small dense evergreen shrub with tiny, ovate, yellow leaves becoming greenish-yellow in shade. Insignificant...
A twiggy shrub with small, glossy, dark green leaves. It makes a good alternative to...
A vigorous twining large deciduous shrub with dark green, oval leaves. Fragrant flowers, deep red-purple...
A semi-evergreen shrub of scandent habit, with ovate leaves white-hairy beneath, and fragrant tubular-funnel-shaped white...
This shrub has small, oval, pink-flushed, dark green leaves with creamy-white margins and, in summer,...
A slow growing slender shrub with white flowers in summer and red berries in autumn.