Jasminium off. Aureum
A vigorous, twining, woody, deciduous climber bearing pinnate mid-green leaves, boldly marked yellow. Clusters of...
9cm pot10L pot
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A vigorous, twining, woody, deciduous climber bearing pinnate mid-green leaves, boldly marked yellow. Clusters of...
Star-shaped white, pink or yellow flowers which are some times very fragrant. Full sun or partial...
Soft-textured, green needle-like foliage. Inconspicuous yellow flowers. Full sun or partial shade. Clay soils. Well-drained. Maximum...
A slow-growing, dwarf columnar evergreen shrub, with mostly prickly, grey-green juvenile needles Full sun or partial...
A dwarf, upright, narrow, cone-shaped form of common juniper with awl-shaped dark blue-green foliage. Partial...
Yellow, lacy foliage on the ends of new growth tips, changes to gold, then bronze...
An upright growing column that has a slow growing dense habit. the branches hold needles...
A dense evergreen conifer forming a large, columnar shrub with erect branches bearing needle-like, grey-green...
A prostrate evergreen shrub forming a low, dense carpet up to 2m across. Leaves needle-like,...
A tiny, evergreen conifer with a very narrow, conical habit. Its foliage is prickly and...
An evergreen dioecious shrub, varying from spreading to columnar or bushy in habit, with aromatic,...
An aromatic, grey-green or blue green plant with foliage of a feathery appearance but it's still prickly....